Local teen, CJ Dobbs, 18, has taken part in the last three Mashup events. Here she explains for benefit of parents and their children, what she learned, and why she thinks other teens should enter.

My experience from Mashup over the past three years has been more beneficial to me than I could ever put into words. I learnt general business and entrepreneurial skills that translated into me knowing what my life could be like after high school finishes.

I am now working as an insurance broker full-time, as well as completing the associated qualification, and I couldn’t be happier. I wouldn’t be in a job that I adore and am so passionate about now if I had not taken part in Mashup. I am more confident in myself and my ability, which I hadn’t been prior to entering into the Mashup event.

I eagerly invite teens to take part, whether they take business as a subject in school or not. It is such a fun and exciting way to experience what I, now, get to do every day, alongside people who have been doing it for years. Solving problems for people and doing it well. You get to meet so many like-minded people, aswell as connect with mentors and see ideas come to life, all in one weekend – it’s magical. Business and entrepreneurship is everywhere. Get amongst it. Go Mashup your life!


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